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The Great Wizard, Steph

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The Great Wizard, Steph Empty The Great Wizard, Steph

Post  stephj14 Mon Jan 23, 2012 6:12 pm

Hmm....let me think.

Of course, I've plenty of time to think. In fact, thinking is what I do most days! He he.....

Now then, what do you want to hear?.....My story?........well...alright. But I warn you, it isn't a very lighthearted escapade.

It was that first unnamed town that I showed my presence. They didn't really know me. They were survivors of a shipwreck, or some nonsense like that. The leader, named Ethan, was.....unnerving. But he was kind enough to take me into their culture. I absorbed as much knowledge as I could from the group. For a while, things weren't too bad. But it didn't last long.

I think it was about 2 weeks after they had moved in. Time seemed to fly by. The first signs of trouble was the shift in weather. It was subtle at first, but began changing more drastically with each day. Then....HE appeared.

I didn't know of His powers then. None of us did. We tried to fight him off, but......the town was demolished. Several people were devoured. Only a few of us remained. We tried to escape by boat from Him, but He chased us. The last thing I remember was His hand crashing down on the tiny boat.

When we awoke, I found we were still alive, albeit just barely. We had washed up on some distant shore. Hmph...funny thing is, that was the second crash they had experienced in under a month!...well, I find it amusing.

We began to rebuild, creating not one, but 4 towns throughout the land. The first town underwent several name changes and passing off of leadership, but eventually it became known as Novograd.

While the others went about their lives, I began thinking more and more about the entity that had marooned us here. Luckily, there were the Great Libraries of Mages that helped shed some light on Him. The Mages of the past called Him Malignus. They had tried to stop Him by sending Him to the End, but that had obviously failed. As I studied, I found there were multiple Earths that co-existed side by side, on different planes of reality. But they required very sophisticated portals to navigate the Multiverse. It was during my studies that He returned. But this time, I was prepared.

Our numbers had grown over the time it took for Him to find us. While the survivors knew of the evil, our new members had no idea that their deaths were not far away. Time had been kind to Him, as He had grown much stronger since our last encounter. He began tearing up the land, destroying all that stood in his way. Some of the townsfolk gave their lives to buy me some time. I quickly rallied a brave group of warriors, to help me create a portal into another universe. Working fast, we opened a door into the Multiverse, which sent Malignus deep inside. Unfortunately, our victory was short-lived. The damage was done, and our world was falling apart. Without thinking clearly, I shoved the warriors and myself into the portal. As our world crumbled, the portal closed around us, sending myself flying through the Multiverse.

When I awoke, I found myself in another universe, separated from all those I knew. I found some natives of the land, who had already constructed a town. They invited me into their culture, and I agreed. While I did enjoy the company of the villagers, I was looking for a way to find the band of warriors. At long last, did I manage to find a trace of them on an alternate plane of reality. I opened another portal, and stepped into Betelgeuse.


Posts : 1
Join date : 2012-01-22
Location : Texas

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